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Welcome to our list of movies and books that not only entertain but can also contribute to our personal development.
In a world full of possibilities, it's important to continuously evolve and grow personally.
This selection provides inspiration, insights, and suggestions to discover new perspectives and enrich our own lives in various ways.
Because we are Swiss, we have watched and read the titles in German. Therefore, it is noted in German.
Der 4- Stunden Körper | Timothy Ferriss |
Erfolgreich denken lernen - Meine Warren-Buffet-Bibel | Robert L. Bloch |
Daytrading für Einsteiger: Finanzielle Freiheit durch Erfolg an der Börse | Thomas Dahlmann |
Die Erfolgsgeheimnisse der Börsenmillionäre | Peter Balsiger, Frank B. Werner |
Einfach traden lernen: Der perfekte Tradingeinstieg | Carsten Umland |
Der Finanz-Code | Howard Marks |
Das kleine Handbuch des vernünftigen investierens | John C. Bogle |
Der Weg zu den Besten: Die sieben Management-Prinzipien für dauerhaften Unternehmenserfolg | Jim Collins |
Der Schwarze Schwan | Nassim Nicholas Taleb |
Des Teufels Banker: Wie ich das schweizer Bankgeheimnis zu Fall brachte | Bradley C. Birkenfeld |
Guide to Hedge Funds: What They are, That They Do, Their Risks, Their Advantages | Philip Coggan |
Finanz- und Rechnungswesen: Jahrbuch 2019 | Reto Eberle |
Rich Dad Poor Dad: Was die Reichen ihren Kindern über Geld beibringen | Robert Kiyosaki |
Rich Dad's Investmentguide: Wo und Wie die Reichen wirklich investieren | Robert Kiyosaki |
Geld denkt nicht: Wie wir in Gelddingen einen klaren Kopf behalten | Hanno Beck |
Unangreifbar: Deine Strategie für finanzielle Freiheit | Tony Robbins mit Peter Mallouk |
Gesundheit: Körper, Geist, Seele | |
Ab heute schlaf ich richtig gut | Kim Fleckenstein |
Neuronale Heilung | Lars Lienhard, Ulla Schmid- Fetzer, Eric Cobb |
Ab heute schlaf ich richtig gut | Kim Fleckenstein |
Wie das Gehirn heilt: Neueste Erkenntnisse aus der Neurowissenaschaft | Norman Doidge |
Chakra-Energie-Massage: Energiepunkt-Aktivierung der Füsse | Marianne Uhl |
Heilung der Organe : Wenn die Seele schreit und der Körper schmerzt | Kurt Hungerbühler |
Die 8 Gaben des Menschen | Gurmukh |
Die Anatomie des Schicksals: Was uns lenkt | Johannes Huber |
Das Grosse Buch vom Schlaf | Matthew Walker |
Eine kurze Geschichte des menschlichen Körpers | Bill Bryson |
Das Gehirn: Von der Nervenzelle zur Verhaltenssteuerung | Richard Thompson |
Leben nach der inneren Uhr mit modernem Ayurverda | Suhas G. Kshirsagar, Michelle Seaton |
Praxisbuch Kinesiologie: Innere Blockaden aufspüren und lösen | Dr. Ina Grüber |
Der Mensch- Anatomie und Physiologie | Johann S. Schwegler |
Die Organuhr - leicht erklärt: Unseren Energiekreislauf verstehen und Erkrankungen erkennen | Lothar Ursinus |
Die Organuhr - leicht erklärt: Unseren Energiekreislauf verstehen und Erkrankungen erkennen | Lothar Ursinus |
Die 6 Säulen des Selbstwertgefühls | Nathaniel Branden |
Schlafen ohne Rückenschmerzen | Pascal Mannekens |
TCM- Ratgeber Kopfschmerzen und Migräne | Andreas A. Noll |
Unser kreatives Gehirn: Wie wir leben, lernen und arbeiten | Dick Swaab |
Ernährung für Körper und Seele | Louise L. Hay, Ahlea Khadro, Heather Dane |
Endlich frei von Rückenschmerzen. Psychische Einflussfaktoren und Therapiemöglichkeiten | Sven Schneider, André Matthias Müller |
Müdigkeit, Erschöpfung und Schmerzen ohne ersichtlichen Grund | Peter Keel |
Spektrum Gesundheit- Migräne: Wenn Schmerz unerträglich wird | Spektrum der Wissenschaft |
Das überforderte Gehirn | Adam Gazzaley & Larry D. Rosen |
Die Psychologie sexueller Leidenschaft | David Schnarch |
Anatomie kompakt für Dummies | Donna Rae Siegfried |
Praxisbuch Energiemedizin | Prof. TCM (Univ. Yunnan) Dr. Li Wu, Dr. Natalie Lauer |
Muskel-Guide. Gezieltes Krafttraining - Anatomie | Frederic Delavier |
Unsere kreative Zukunft | Daniel H. Pink |
Erleuchteter Sex- Ekstase als spiritueller Weg | David Deida |
Grundlagen der Tibetischen Medizin | Florian Ploberger (Hg.) |
10 Dinge, die jeder von Buddha lernen kann | Thomas Hohensee |
Das Gesetz der Resonanz | Pierre Franckh |
Das Unwillkommene wilkommen heissen | Pema Chödrön |
Das tibetische Buch vom Leben und vom Sterben | Sogyal Rinpoche |
Discover the Gift- It's Why We're Here | Shajen Joy Aziz |
The Master Key System | Charles F. Haanel |
The Master Key System | Charles F. Haanel |
Der tägliche Stoiker | Ryan Holiday |
Dialog mit dem Dalai Lama | Daniel Goleman |
Leben im Jetzt | Eckhart Tolle |
Die Fünf Tibeter ganz einfach | Barbara Simonsohn |
Willst du normal sein oder glücklich | Robert Betz |
Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein | Paul Watzlawick |
Stille, die aus dem Herzen kommt: Innere Ruhe finden in einer lauten Welt | Thich Nhat Hanh |
Buddhas Anleitung zum Glücklichsein: Fünf Weisheiten, die Ihren Alltag verändern | Marie Mannschatz |
Buddhas Herzmeditation: Mit Achtsamkeit zu Selbstliebe und Mitgefühl | Marie Mannschatz & Angelika Baur |
Vom Kopf ins Herz | Franz X. Bühler |
Mehr… Vom Kopf ins Herz | Franz X. Bühler |
Wie man denkt, so ist man: As a Man Thinketh | James Allen |
Wheels of life | Anodea Judith PhD |
Der Pfad des friedvollen Kriegers- Way of the peaceful warrior | Dan Millman |
Die Lebenszahl als Lebensweg | Dan Millman |
Die Macht Ihres Unterbewusstseins | Dr. Joseph Murphy |
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself | Joe Dispenza |
Die Berufung für Hochsensible: Die Gratwanderung zwischen Genialität und Zusammenbruch | Luca Rohleder |
Dein Weg zur Selbstliebe | Robert Betz |
Sorge dich nicht- lebe! | Dale Carnegie |
Stille finden in einer lauten Welt: Mein Weg der Achtsamkeit | Jack Kornfield |
The Secret - Das Geheimnis | Rhonda Byrne |
The Magic | Rhonda Byrne |
Finanzen | |
An American Hedge Fund | Timothy Sykes |
Erfolgreiche Geldanlage für Dummies | Judith Engst |
Makers und Takers: der Aufstieg des Finanzwesens und der Absturz der Realwirtschaft | Rana Foroohar |
Rohstoffe- Der attraktivste Markt der Welt: Wie jeder von Öl, Kaffee und Co. profitieren kann | Jim Rogers |
Tim Grittani's Trading Tickers | Tim Grittani |
Börse für Dummies | Christine Bortenlänger und Ulrich Kirstein |
Über die Psychologie des Geldes | Morgan Housel |
Tradingpsychologie - So denken und handeln die Profis | Norman Welz |
Das große Buch der Börse | Robert Schittler, Martin Michalky |
Trade Like a Hedge Fund: 20 Successful Uncorrelated Strategies and Techniques to Winning Profits | James Altucher |
Fake | Robert Kiyosaki |
Einfach traden | Birger Schäfermeier |
Der Börse einen Schritt voraus | Peter Lynch |
F.U Money | Dan Lok |
Der reichste Mann von Babylon | George Samuel Clason |
Trading für Dummies | Karin Roller |
Super-hubs: Wie die Finanzelite und ihre Netzwerke die Welt regieren | Sandra Navidi |
Führen mit Persönlichkeit | Dale Carnegie |
CASHFLOW Quadrant | Robert T. Kiyosaki |
Zero to One | Peter Thiel |
Lean Startup: Schnell, risikolos und erfolgreich Unternehmen gründen | Eric Ries |
Die Karrieresau- Erfolg ist kein Zufall | Adel Abdel- Latif |
Millionaire Success Habits: The Gateway to Wealth & Prosperity | Dean Graziosi |
Der Börse einen Schritt voraus | Peter Lynch |
Die Erfolgsgeheimnisse der Millionäre | Dean Graziosi |
Psychologie der Superreichen: Das verborgene Wissen der Vermögenselite | Rainer Zitelmann |
The next Big Thing: Albtraum Start-up Szene- ein Undercoverbericht | Sam Gregson |
Die Kunst, über Geld nachzudenken | André Kostolany |
Charlie Munger: Ich habe dem nichts mehr hinzuzufügen | Tren Griffin, Hendrik Leber |
Deal! Du gibst mir, was ich will! | Jack Nasher |
Das Business des 21. Jahrhunderts | Robert Kiyosaki, John Fleming und Kim Kiyosaki |
The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class | Keith Cameron Smith |
52 Wege zum Erfolg: Die besten Ideen aus 500 Business-Ratgebern | Dennis Fischer |
Silicon Valley: Was aus dem mächtigsten Tal der Welt auf uns zu kommt | Christoph Keese |
#GIRLBOSS | Sophia Amoruso |
die 4- Stunden- Woche | Timothy Ferriss |
Power: Die 48 Gesetze der Macht | Robert Green |
Der Bohlenweg- Planieren statt sanieren | Dieter Bohlen |
True Wealth | T. Harv Eker |
Der Weg zum erfolgreichen Unternehmer | Stefan Merath |
Go Pro: 7 Schritte zum Network Marketing Profi | Eric Worre |
Hoffnung wagen: Gedanken zur Rückbesinnung auf den American Dream | Barack Obama |
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup | John Carreyrou |
Kopf schlägt Kapital | Günter Faltin |
Ölbeben: Wie due USA unsere Existenz gefährden | Heike Buchter |
Überflieger: Warum manche Menschen erfolgreich sind - und andere nicht | Malcolm Gladwell |
Spiritualität | |
Wenn alles zusammenbricht | Pema Chödrön |
Emotionen: Frei von Angst, Eifersucht, Wut | Osho |
Die 7 Geheimnisse der Schildkröte | Aljoscha Long |
Den Sprung wagen | Pema Chödrön |
Werde übernatürlich. Wie gewöhnliche Menschen das Ungewöhnliche erreichen | Dr. Joe Dispenza |
Das Buch der Heilung: Von der Medizin zur Meditation | Osho |
Ganzheitliche indische Heilmethoden | Issac Mathai |
Der Grosse Trip- Tausend Meilen durch die Wildnis zu mir selbst | Cheryl Strayed |
Hero | Rhonda Byrne |
Siddartha | Hermann Hesse |
Die Blume des Lebens | Drunvalo Melchizedek |
Die Öffnung des 3. Auges | Ulrich Warnke |
Jetzt reicht's mir aber! | Robert Betz |
Praxisbuch Energiemedizin | Prof. TCM, Dr. Li Wu, Dr. Natalie Lauer |
Heilende Räume | Esther Sternberg |
Wie wir unsere Gedanken beruhigen | Pema Chödrön |
What the Bleep do we (k)now!? – Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß! | William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente |
Search Inside Yourself: Optimiere dein Leben durch Achtsamkeit | Chade-Meng Tan |
Konzentriert arbeiten: Regeln für eine Welt voller Abklenkungen | Cal Newport |
The Big Five for Life: Was wirklich zählt im Leben | John Strelecky |
Führen mit Persönlichkeit | Dale Carnegie |
The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness | James Altucher |
Positive Psychologie im Alltag | Stefan Kaiser |
Der Honeymoon Effekt - Liebe geht durch die Zellen | Bruce Lipton |
The Miracle Morning | Hal Elrod |
Frag immer erst: Warum | Simon Sinek |
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear | Elizabeth Gilbert |
The Undoing Project | Michael Lewis |
Handbuch des Kriegers des Lichts | Paulo Coelho |
Intelligente Zellen | Bruce Lipton |
7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change | Stephen R. Covey |
Emotionen: Frei von Angst, Eifersucht, Wut | Osho |
Spontane Evolution | Bruce Lipton |
Jetzt! Die Kraft der Gegenwart | Eckhart Tolle |
Besser sprechen - überzeugend auftreten: Strategien für erfolgreiche Präsentationen | Dale Carnegie |
Du bist das Placebo- Bewusstsein wird Materie | Dr. Joe Dispenza |
Deal! Du gibst mir, was ich will! | Jack Nasher |
Wie man Freunde gewinnt | Dale Carnegie |
Sometimes You Win- Sometimes you Learn | John C. Maxwell |
Die Intelligenz der Zellen | Bruce Lipton |
Lexikon der Tiere | Dorling Kindersley |
Denke nach und werde reich | Napoleon Hill |
Schnelles Denken, langsames Denken | Daniel Kahneman |
Homo Deus- Eine Geschichte von Morgen | Yuval Noah Harari |
Mathe die man wirklich braucht für Dummies | Barry Schoenborn |
Frei von Angst und Schüchternheit | Barbara G. Markway, Gregory P. Markway |
Frei von Angst und Schüchternheit | Barbara G. Markway, Gregory P. Markway |
Imperium USA | Daniele Ganser |
Die schöpferische Einsamkeit- Das Geheimnis der Genies | Anthony Storr |
Erfolgsfaktor Bloggen | Markus Cerenak |
Love Brands - Communiting- Marketing 4.0 | Silvia Danne |
Gründung einer AG | Manfred Küng |
Gründung einer AG | Manfred Küng |
Talk like TED- die 9 Gehemnisse der besten Redner | Carmine Gallo |
Flight Plan: The Real Secret of Success | Brian Tracy |
Project Mind Control: Wie der amerikanische Geheimdienst versuchte, das Bewusstsein zu kontrollieren | Stephen Kinzer |
Leadership- Die 21 wichtigsten Führungsprinzipien | John C. Maxwell |
Eat That Frog | Brian Tracy |
Business | |
#AskGaryVee | Gary Vaynerchuk |
So denken Millionäre- Die Beziehung zwischen Ihrem Kopf und Ihrem Kontostand | T.Harv Eker |
Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals | Thomas C. Corley |
Warum die Reichen immer reicher werden | Robert T. Kiyosaki |
Die Tesla Methode: 7 Prinzipien, die Ihr Unternehmen fit für die Zukunft machen | Michael Valentin |
Wenn es hart auf hart kommt: Schwierige Management-Situationen und wie man sie meistert | Ben Horowitz |
Kung Fu Panda 3 | Film | 2016 | the strength found in family bonds and the acceptance of one's true self. |
Cobra Kai | Serie | 2018 | the complexities of redemption, rivalry, and the enduring impact of the past. |
Fighting | Film | 2009 | the raw intensity and challenges of street fighting culture. |
Karate Kid | Film | 1984 | the journey of self-discovery and mentorship through martial arts. |
Karate Kid 2- Entscheidung in Okinawa | Film | 1986 | the importance of honor, friendship, and overcoming adversity. |
Touchdown- Sein Ziel ist der Sieg | Film | 1993 | the power of determination and teamwork in achieving success. |
Kickboxer | Film | 2016? | the journey of martial arts mastery and personal growth. |
Bleed for This | Film | 2016 | the resilience and determination to overcome adversity. |
Spiel auf Bewährung | Film | 2006 | the transformative power of mentorship and second chances. |
Moneyball- Die Kunst zu gewinnen | Film | 2011 | the innovative strategies and data-driven approach to success in baseball. |
Jerry Maguire- Spiel des Lebens | Film | 1996 | the journey of self-discovery and the importance of integrity in the sports industry. |
Megamind | Film | 2010 | the complexities of identity and the potential for redemption. Who we are, and that we can change. |
Home Team | Film | 2022 | the power of redemption and second chances in sports. |
Spiel ohne Regeln | Film | 2005 | the importance of teamwork and resilience both on and off the field. |
Blue Miracle | Film | 2021 | the impact of unlikely partnerships and the importance of hope in the face of adversity. |
Don't look up | Film | 2021 | the satirical critique of societal apathy towards impending disaster. |
Fantastic Four (2015) | Film | 2015 | the importance of teamwork and resilience in facing cosmic threats. |
Hustle | Film | 2022 | the art of deception and the consequences of ambition. |
Die letzte Festung | Film | 2001 | the resilience of the human spirit in the face of injustice. |
Jim Carroll- In den Strassen von New York | Film | 1995 | the harrowing journey of addiction and redemption. |
Zeit für Legenden | Film | 2016 | he inspiring story of Jesse Owens and the power of perseverance in the face of adversity. |
The Equalizer- The Final Chapter | Film | 2023 | the ultimate battle for justice and redemption. |
The Best of Enemies | Film | 2019 | the transformative power of empathy and understanding amidst racial tensions. |
Pieces of a Woman | Film | 2020 | the complexities of grief, healing, and resilience in the face of loss. |
Der Vogel | Film | 2021 | A story of rediscovery following a major tragedy. |
Rango | Film | 2011 | the journey of self-discovery and bravery in an unfamiliar world. |
Horse Girl | Film | 2020 | the blurred lines between reality and imagination in the face of mental health challenges. |
Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru | Film | 2016 | the transformative power of personal development and self-discovery. |
American Psycho | Film | 2000 | the chilling exploration of narcissism and societal decadence. |
Du hast das Leben vor dir | Film | 2020 | the power of compassion and connection in overcoming adversity. |
Die Gabe- Discover the Gift | Film | 2010 | he journey of self-discovery and the transformative power of embracing one's true purpose. |
Verborgene Schönheit | Film | 2016 | the profound impact of love, loss, and human connection on healing and finding meaning in life. |
No Game No Life | Serie | 2014 | the importance of strategy, teamwork, and determination in overcoming challenges. |
Der weite Weg der Hoffnung | Film | 2017 | the harrowing journey of survival and resilience during the Cambodian genocide. |
Sieben Leben | Film | 2008 | the profound impact of redemption and the value of self-sacrifice. |
Fear- Wenn Liebe Angst macht | Film | 1996 | the complexities of love, obsession, and the destructive power of fear. |
A fall from Grace | Film | 2020 | the dangers of deception and manipulation in relationships. |
Dragonball alle Teile | Serie | 1989 | the importance of friendship, perseverance, and personal growth in the face of adversity. |
Transformers | Film | 2007 | the epic battle between good and evil, and the power of teamwork. |
Transformers- Die Rache | Film | 2009 | the relentless fight against tyranny and the strength found in unity. |
Transformers- 3 | Film | 2011 | the perseverance in defending Earth against extraterrestrial threats. |
Transformers- Ära des Untergangs | Film | 2014 | the resilience of humanity in the face of technological upheaval. |
Transformers- The last Knight | Film | 2017 | the enduring battle between Autobots and Decepticons for the fate of Earth. |
Bumblebee | Film | 2018 | the importance of friendship, loyalty, and self-discovery. |
Multi- Facial | Film | 1995 | the struggles and resilience of pursuing an acting career amidst cultural diversity. |
Seelen | Film | 2013 | the resilience of humanity in the face of extraterrestrial invasion. |
Outside the Wire | Film | 2021 | the complexities of artificial intelligence and the moral dilemmas of modern warfare. |
Der Pfad des friedvollen Kriegers- Peaceful Warrior | Film | 2006 | the journey of self-discovery and enlightenment through the teachings of a wise mentor. |
Der Grosse Trip- Wild | Film | 2014 | the transformative power of nature and self-discovery through solo travel. |
Billy Elliot | Film | 2000 | the pursuit of one's dreams despite societal expectations and challenges. |
Das Gesetz der Resonanz | Film | 2010 | the interconnectedness of thoughts and actions shaping one's reality. |
Die Prophezeihungen | Film | 2006 | he journey of spiritual awakening and the interconnectedness of all things. |
Der weisse Tiger | Film | 2021 | the harsh realities of social class and the pursuit of success in modern India. |
Das Blaue Juwel | Film | 2012 | the thrilling adventure of pursuing a valuable gemstone and the lessons learned along the way. |
The Shift- Das Geheimnis der Inspiration | Film | 2009 | he transformative power of self-discovery and finding purpose. |
13 hours- The secret soldiers of Benghazi | Film | 2016 | the bravery and sacrifices made by individuals in the face of adversity. |
John Q. - Verzweifelte Wut | Film | 2002 | the desperate measures a father will take to save his son's life in a flawed healthcare system |
To the Bone | Film | 2017 | the struggles and complexities of individuals battling eating disorders. |
Innere Welten - Äussere Welten | Film | 2012 | the interconnectedness of consciousness and the universe. |
Altered Carbon- Das Unsterblichkeitsprogramm | Serie | 2018 | the exploration of identity, morality, and the consequences of immortality in a futuristic world. |
QIE- Der Schlüssel zum Bewusstsein | Film | ? | the journey of self-discovery and the exploration of consciousness. |
Zero Dark Thirty | Film | 2012 | the intense pursuit of justice and the complexities of counterterrorism efforts. |
Hinter dem Horizont | Film | 1998 | the exploration of love, loss, and the afterlife. |
Sieben Jahre in Tibet | Film | 1997 | the transformative power of compassion and cultural understanding. |
Wild- Der Grosse Trip | Film | 2014 | the transformative power of nature and self-discovery through solo travel. |
Sport Filme und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung | |||
Kung Fu Panda | Film | 2008 | the journey of self-discovery and the importance of believing in oneself. |
Kung Fu Panda 2 | Film | 2011 | the importance of embracing one's past and finding inner peace. |
Kung Fu Panda- Das Geheimnis der Furiosen Fünf | Film | 2008 | Secrets of the Furious Five' the importance of perseverance and embracing diversity in achieving greatness |
Heat | Film | 1995 | the intricate dynamics between law enforcement and criminals, blurring the lines between right and wrong. |
Die Jury | Film | 1996 | the weight of moral responsibility and the complexities of justice within the legal system. |
American Gangster | Film | 2007 | he consequences of unchecked ambition and the lure of power in the criminal underworld. |
Der Pate Teil 1 | Film | 1972 | the intricacies of power, loyalty, and the consequences of violence within organized crime. |
Der Pate Teil 2 | Film | 1974 | the complexities of family, betrayal, and the corrupting influence of power. |
Der Pate Teil 3 | Film | 1990 | the enduring consequences of past actions and the struggle to maintain power and integrity within the mafia. |
Die unglaubliche Geschichte der Roseninsel | Film | 2020 | the pursuit of freedom and the challenges of defying societal norms. |
Big Business - Ausser Spesen nichts gewesen | Film | 2015 | that sometimes, hilarious misunderstandings can lead to valuable insights. |
Das Damengambit | Serie | 2020 | the power of determination and resilience in pursuing one's passion against all odds. |
Finanz Filme | |||
Wall Street | Film | 1987 | he pitfalls of greed and the consequences of prioritizing financial gain over ethical integrity. |
Wall Street- Geld schläft nicht | Film | 2010 | the aftermath of financial greed and the complexities of trust and betrayal in the world of high finance. |
Dirty Money- Geld regiert die Welt | Serie | 2018 | the pervasive influence of greed and corruption in various industries. |
The Gambler | Film | 2014 | that risk and consequence are inherent in the pursuit of power and success. |
The Big Short | Film | 2015 | the devastating impact of unchecked greed and the systemic flaws in the financial industry. |
Risiko- Der schnellste Weg zum Reichtum | Film | 2000 | the dangers and temptations associated with shortcuts to wealth. |
Arbitrage - Macht ist das beste Alibi | Film | 2012 | that power can serve as the ultimate justification for wrongdoing. |
Das schnelle Geld | Film | 2005 | the moral ambiguity and consequences of the global arms trade. |
Ohne Limit | Film | 2011 | the potential and dangers of unlocking one's full cognitive abilities. |
Inside Job | Film | 2010 | the systemic failures and corruption that led to the 2008 financial crisis. |
Der Konzern | Film | 1993 | the profound impact and ethical complexities of corporate power. |
Too Big To Fail | Film | 2011 | the catastrophic consequences of financial institutions deemed indispensable to the economy. |
Der grosse Crash- Margin Call | Film | 2011 | the ethical dilemmas and ruthless decisions made during a financial crisis. |
Cosmopolis | Film | 2012 | the surreal journey through the psyche of a young billionaire amid societal collapse. |
Der Börsen-Crash | Film | 2008 | the intricacies and consequences of the 2008 financial crisis. |
Der Informant! | Film | 2009 | the complexities and deceptions within corporate espionage. |
Runner Runner | Film | 2013 | the risks and allure of the online gambling world. |
The China Hustle | Film | 2017 | the pervasive fraud and regulatory loopholes within Chinese investment markets. |
Spiritualität, Weiterentwicklung | |||
Heal | Film | 2017 | the transformative power of the mind-body connection in healing and well-being. |
Wunder | Film | 2017 | the importance of empathy, kindness, and acceptance in overcoming adversity. |
Magnolia | Film | 1999 | the interconnectedness of human lives and the complexities of forgiveness and redemption. |
Der Manchurian Kandidat | Film | 2004 | the dangers of manipulation and the fragility of democracy. |
Soul | Film | 2020 | the importance of finding purpose and embracing life's simple joys. |
The Living Matrix- Heilweisen der Zukunft | Film | 2009 | the potential of alternative healing modalities and the interconnectedness of mind and body. |
Das kreative Gehirn | Film | 2019 | the fascinating processes behind human creativity and innovation. |
Vernetzt- Wissenschaft ist überall | Serie | 2020 | he diverse applications of scientific principles in everyday life. |
Ruf der Wildnis | Film | 2020 | A beautiful film about self-discovery and finding where one truly belongs. |
Hillbilly- Elegie | Film | 2020 | the complexities of family, resilience, and overcoming adversity in rural America. |
Lang lebe die Königin | Film | 2020 | the challenges and triumphs of female empowerment and resilience. |
Good Will Hunting | Film | 1997 | the transformative power of mentorship and the importance of confronting one's past to embrace a brighter future. |
Explained- Unser Kopf | Serie | 2019 | the fascinating workings and potential of the human mind. |
Avatar- Der Herr der Elemente | Serie | 2024 | the importance of balance, friendship, and the journey towards self-discovery. |
Fearless - Babysitten ist Heldensache | Film | 2020 | the unexpected adventures and lessons learned while taking care of others. |
The Equalizer | Film | 2014 | the importance of using one's skills to help those in need and seek justice. |
The Equalizer 2 | Film | 2018 | the relentless pursuit of justice and the personal sacrifices made to protect the innocent. |
The Final Year | Film | 2017 | |
Barry | Film | 2016 | |
Die Stärke des Verlierens | Serie | 2019 | |
Indiens in Verruf geratene Milliardäre | Serie | 2020 | |
I am Heath Ledger | Film | 2017 | |
The Dirt- Sie wollten Sex, Drugs & Rock "n" roll | Film | 2019 | |
Self Made- Das Leben von Madam CJ Walker | Film | 2020 | |
Das Dilemma mit den sozialen Medien | Film | 2020 | |
minimalism | Film | 2021 | |
American Factory | Film | 2019 | |
Fyre Festival | Film | 2019 | |
A Beautiful Mind- Genie und Wahnsinn | Film | 2001 | |
Nobody Speak- Die Fallstricke der Pressefreiheit | Film | 2017 | |
The Game Changers | Film | 2018 | |
Walk the Line | Film | 2005 | |
My Way- The Rise and Fall of Silvio Berlusconi | Film | 2016 | |
Mandela- Der lange Weg zur Freiheit | Film | 2013 | |
(Un)gesund | Serie | 2020 | |
My Next Guest | Film | 2018 | |
Plastic Planet | Film | 2009 | |
Eddie The Eagle- Alles ist möglich | Film | 2016 | |
Business Filme | |||
The Founder | Film | 2016 | delivers concise insights into entrepreneurship and brand-building. |
Der Lorax | Film | 2012 | teaches us the importance of environmental conservation and the consequences of excessive exploitation of natural resources. It serves as a reminder of how our actions can impact the world around us. |
Der Denver- Clan | Serie | 1981/2017 | The story illustrates how to properly manage a business and grow into one's role. |
Catch me if you can | Film | 2002 | Ingenuity and adaptability are crucial for overcoming obstacles. Simultaneously, the film underscores the importance of honesty and integrity in building long-term trust. |
Company Men | Film | 2010 | Necessity of adaptability and self-reflection in evolving work environments. | | Film | 2013 | the importance of pursuing one's passions and embracing unconventional paths to achieve personal and professional fulfillment. |
Just Mercy | Film | 2019 | the profound significance of compassion, justice, and the relentless pursuit of equality in the face of systemic injustice. |
Dopesick | Serie | 2021 | illustrates the devastating impacts of the opioid crisis and the systemic failures that contributed to its emergence and perpetuation. |
A Life Backwards- Wer war Stuart Shorter? | Film | 2007 | highlights the complexity and humanity of individuals struggling with mental health issues and addiction. |
Detachment | Film | 2011 | explores the emotional toll and complexities of human connection and disconnection within the education system and society at large. |
The Trial of the Chicago 7 | Film | 2020 | highlights the importance of activism, civil liberties, and the pursuit of justice in the face of government oppression. |
Argo | Film | 2012 | demonstrates the power of ingenuity and collaboration in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. |
Das Streben nach Glück | Film | 2006 | illustrates the extraordinary determination of a father to support his family despite immense challenges and pursue his dreams. |
GoodFellas- Drei Jahrzente in der Mafia | Film | 1990 | portrays the allure and consequences of a life of crime. |
Pain Hustlers | Film | 2023 | explores the dark humor and consequences of misguided ambition and criminal behavior. |
Die Frau in Gold | Film | 2015 | illustrates the importance of seeking justice and reclaiming cultural heritage in the face of historical injustice. |
Der Teufel trägt Prada | Film | 2006 | demonstrates the challenges of balancing personal integrity with professional ambition in the high-pressure fashion industry. |
Bombshell | Film | 2019 | highlights the pervasive nature of workplace harassment and the courage required to speak out against it. |
Der schwarze Diamant | Film | 2019 | portrays the chaotic consequences of obsessive gambling and risky behavior. |
Girlboss | Serie | 2017 | How to Build a Business from 0 to 100 and the Necessary Steps to Achieve It. |
Manhatten Queen | Film | 2018 | importance of believing in oneself and seizing opportunities for personal and professional growth |
Jerry and Marge Go Large (Die Lotto Profis) | Film | 2022 | the value of perseverance and sustainable farming practices in harmony with nature. |
Der Junge, der den Wind einfing | Film | 2019 | the power of innovation and determination to overcome adversity. |
Tucker- Ein Mann und sein Traum | Film | 1988 | the challenges of pioneering innovation and facing resistance in pursuit of one's vision. |
Slumdog Millionär | Film | 2008 | the resilience of the human spirit amidst poverty and adversity. |
Mein Stück vom Kuchen | Film | 2011 | the complexities of socioeconomic divides and the potential for personal redemption and growth. |
Jeffrey Dahmer- Selbstporträt eines Serienmörders | Serie | 2022 | |
The Universe | Serie | 2007 | |
Der Tinder-Schwindler | Film | 2022 | |
Spielzeug- das war unsere Kindheit | Serie | 2017 | |
Rettet den Kapitalismus! | Film | 2017 | |
Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank | Film | 2016 | |
The Secret- Das Geheimnis | Film | 2006 | |
Nowitzki. Der perfekte Wurf | Film | 2014 | |
Get Me Roger Stone | Film | 2017 | |
Apollo 13 | Film | 1995 | |
High Score | Serie | 2020 | |
Schlafen kann ich noch, wenn ich tot bin- Steve Aoki | Film | 2016 | |
The Defiant Ones | Serie | 2017 | |
The Social Network | Film | 2010 | |
Spielzeug: Das war unsere Kindheit | Serie | 2017 | |
Mein 40- jähriges Ich | Film | 2020 | |
Der Versicherungsvertreter- Die erstaunliche Karriere des Mehmet Göker | Film | 2011 | |
Versicherungsvertreter 2 - Mehmet Göker macht weiter | Film | 2015 | |
Alexa: Wie mächtig ist Amazon? (WDR- Doku) | Film | 2018 | |
Pandemie | Serie | 2020 | |
Gandhi | Film | 1982 | |
Bobby Jones: Die Golflegende | Film | 2004 | |
Ronnie Coleman- The King | Film | 2018 | |
100 Leute: Fragen des Lebens beantworten | Serie | 2020 | |
Explained Coronavirus | Serie | 2020 | |
The Story of Diana | Serie | 2017 | |
72 gefährliche Tiere: Asien | Serie | 2018 | |
Pelé | Film | 2021 | |
Miss Americana- Taylor Swift | Film | 2020 | |
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